Hello, I’m a father who has a story that may not be to everyone’s taste. It’s a story that my daughter will tell me, as she asked me to get something that happened between us off my chest so she could tell me about other similar experiences. What we’re going to tell you here is a story of honey between father and daughter and the celebration of a mixture of love and lust for words.
My name is Anthony and, as I said, I agreed with my daughter who has a light and fluid writing style. At the end I’ll leave my contact details so you can read my opinions and experiences. If you don’t like the theme, I recommend you read the other stories.
My name is Emily, I’m 24 today, I’m a teacher who’s almost graduated and I still live with my parents. My father’s name is Anthony, 55. He’s a businessman who owns a few restaurants in the city. Although he’s passionate about the area, Dad’s work is administrative and not in the kitchen, which is why he has some advantages in his schedule, always spending the afternoon at home to take a nap, for example. Mom’s name is Jessica, 49, a lawyer.
Ever since I was a child, I was very attached to Dad, his work, as I said, allowed him to be at home more. Mom, on the other hand, has worked in an important office in the city for as long as I can remember, so I had little contact with her during my childhood and grew up without much intimacy with her. Not that the two of us don’t know each other, she and I get on well and I actually love her very much, but I still know her a lot less than I know Dad.
About four years ago, some events changed my life. I graduated from high school in 2017, wanted to take some time for myself and spent six months at a standstill, doing absolutely nothing. From January 2018 until June, my life was about waking up late, going to the gym, swimming in the pool, going out with my friends from school and sleeping at dawn watching series. At first this was really nice, a break that I thought I deserved after all the years I’d been a good student. In mid-June my father wanted to talk to me about my future. I was in the kitchen making a small snack when he approached me in the middle of the afternoon.
- Emily, can we talk? – I already knew it was going to be a bit of a conversation, every time he asks if we can talk it’s because he wants to say something I don’t want to hear.
- We can, Dad.
- Your mother has been talking to me and we’re worried about your future. I know the life you’ve been leading is good, but we want you to go to college and prepare for it. – He told me calmly.
- All right, Dad, I’m already thinking about it. – I replied.
- Really? And what have you been thinking of doing?
- Well, I wanted to study literature. – The truth is that my parents are successful and I was afraid of disappointing them by choosing a humanities course. We all know that teachers are undervalued in this country.
- Really? Wow. Well, that makes things easier, I thought you hadn’t even thought about it yet. – He answered me with happiness in his eyes.
Our conversation continued and I explained my interests to him. Dad and Mom were very supportive of my dream, they never objected. In fact, they were so happy that something interesting happened. At the beginning of July, Dad talked to me again over breakfast and Mom was with us that day too.
- Good morning love, good morning baby. – Dad greeted us. He had just come out of the bedroom showered and wearing a navy blue blazer. – I have a surprise for you! – he said, looking at me.
- Good morning, Dad. What surprise?
- Tell her, love. – he said to my mother.
- You know, daughter, we’re happy that you’re going to try college, so we’ve decided to give you a farewell vacation. Your father is taking you to Argentina for a week, so you can finish your vacation well.
- No kidding? – I said with wide eyes. – Really, we’re going away?
- Well, you’re going. I’ve got a lot of work to do at the office and I can’t get away from the city just yet. – said Mom.
- We’re going to Bariloche, child. – said Dad.
I hadn’t left the country until then and I was extremely excited. We were leaving in two days. Dad left that morning and told the restaurants that he was taking 15 days off and left everything with his managers. I was packing my suitcase, it was already very cold in our city, so I was stuffing my luggage full of coats.
- Forget those sweaters, child, they’re not warm enough. – Dad said, standing in my doorway. – Bariloche snows at this time of year.
- So what do I bring? – I said to him with a sweater in my hand.
- Get ready and we’ll buy you something. – He told me and left the room.
I put on a pair of black leggings, put on the sweater I was holding over the T-shirt I was wearing and put on some boots and went to meet Dad. We went out that afternoon to buy some warm clothes, a couple of coats that were much thicker than mine and a few other new items.
I was carrying some bags of clothes to my father, who was waiting for me outside the fitting room, when I saw him with some bags in his hands.
- These are presents for you – he said – at home you can try them on to see if you need to change.
I was very happy, I was going to travel abroad for the first time and I was also getting a store bath. We returned home after a snack, I left my new clothes in the bedroom and went to take a shower. While I was washing up, I thought I’d take advantage of the fact that my father was home so he could see the clothes and tell me what he thought. I got out of the bath wrapped in my towel and went to find him in the living room watching something.
- Dad, can you tell me what you think of the clothes I bought? I’ll try them on now and show you, OK? – I asked.
- Oops, am I going to win a private fashion show? I like it – he replied. – Will you try on the ones I bought too?
- Yes, I’d like to see how they look.
I went back to the bedroom and there were so many clothes, I started wearing the ones I’d chosen myself. I’m not going to describe them all because there were so many, but one of them was a pair of tight black pants, high boots, a moss green long-sleeved blouse, a lead overcoat and a scarf. When I put this shirt on in the bedroom, I noticed that it showed off my bra a lot. My breasts are medium to large, so I decided to change my bra for a band top. I got dressed and went to see Dad.
- How’s that? – I said, turning around.
- Beautiful like the others, daughter. – he replied. I noticed him looking away from me a little nervously. I looked at myself and understood why. My breasts were completely sticking out of my blouse, practically piercing it. Maybe it was the cold, I don’t know, something had made them that way and a tight top and blouse weren’t enough to cover them up. I felt myself blush a little, but I thought Dad’s reaction was funny.
When I went to try on the clothes Dad had bought me, I was surprised. There were some pants and blouses too, but what caught my eye were some sleep sets he’d bought. He’d bought two pyjamas with long pants and a blouse, one pink and one with a yellow cow print. He’d also bought a long wine-colored nightgown and some lacy sets of panties and bra. I wouldn’t have the courage to wear the panty sets for him to see, but I had no problem showing off the pajamas. The funny thing was that his reaction earlier made me want to play around a bit more, so as soon as it was time to wear the pyjamas, I decided to take off my top and, I don’t even know why, I also took off my panties and put on one of the ones he’d bought, a black lacy one that showed off my ass very well. I put on the pink pants and white shirt from the first set, without a bra, and went into the living room.
- What do you think? – I asked a little awkwardly as I knew that the thin cloth of my shirt was completely showing my breasts pointing at him.
- Beautiful. – Dad said and I sensed a nervousness in his voice. – Very beautiful. Take a walk.
I turned around and he could see my ass bulging out of my thin pajama pants.
- You look wonderful, child.
- Thank you,” I replied gracelessly, turning around. I couldn’t help but notice his waist, Dad was wearing sweatpants and it wasn’t hard to see that the situation had made him horny, his member showing through his pants.
- Are you going to show me the other pieces, daughter? – He asked, snapping me out of the trance in which I was staring at his crotch.
- I don’t think so today, Dad. – I replied.
- Fine, but try on the lingerie to see if it fits. – I said.
- Yes, Dad, I’m wearing one. – I replied and then thought I shouldn’t have said that.
- Are you? – He replied.
- Yes,” I said, feeling my heart racing. I had never imagined having a conversation like that with my father.
- Can I see if it’s good? – he said, staring into my eyes.
I’m not sure why, I’d never thought of anything like that with my father. He was a handsome man and had always been very caring and supportive. I felt completely safe in his presence, and maybe that, or the fact that I could still see his hard member in his pants, made me take an action I would never have taken at any other time. I took my hands to the sides of my pants and lowered them to the middle of my thighs, showing Dad my crotch covered only by the lacy panties he had bought.
- Turn around so I can see behind you. – He asked.
I slowly turned around, showing off my buttocks. My heart was racing, I could feel my skin burning with shame and, even if I wanted to deceive myself by saying no, with arousal. I was enjoying imagining Dad looking at my ass in that little garment, so much so that I pulled it back and dared to bend my body even more. I waited for Dad’s next order, but he didn’t say anything. I looked at him without turning around and saw quite a scene. Dad was squeezing his cock through his pants while biting my ass with his mouth.
Seeing this scene, I thought that if I stayed there, things would get out of hand, so I pulled up my pants and went back to my room. As I walked, I felt a slight discomfort in my pussy, but I soon found out what it was.
When I took off my pants, I realized why my father had been so dumbfounded. My pussy had completely drooled, getting my thighs wet, but that was only the beginning. The drooling, tiny panties had left part of my pussy hanging out. My father had seen me leaning towards him and while I imagined showing my ass and panties, I was showing half of my soaking pussy.
The day went normally after that, we were a bit awkward with each other, but we soon got used to the situation. I couldn’t get the image of him squeezing his cock out of my head anymore and he must certainly have had a good picture of my shaved pussy in contrast to my black panties.
The day of the trip arrived and I took all the pajamas and panties my father had given me. I wondered while I was packing if I should take them, but I decided I should. We got on a plane at dawn in Rio de Janeiro and arrived in Bariloche early in the morning. The city was beautiful, completely beautiful. It was like a fairytale. We went from the airport to our hotel and I got another surprise. Dad had rented a room that was a kind of chalet. All in wood, there was a large TV, a fireplace, a double bed and a single bed, a minibar and a very spacious bathroom. Although there was a heater in the room, it was still cold in there; outside the chalet we had a view of all the snow that was falling. The beds had white linen that gave the impression of being delicate, but it was clearly thicker than what we’re used to in Brazil.
- Do you want to sleep with me or in the single bed, daughter? – Dad asked me as soon as we arrived in the room.
- Hello? Sleep with you? – I replied, finding the proposal strange.
- Yes, it’s very cold here at night, you’ll see. If you want, we can sleep together to keep you warmer, it’s no big deal.
The worst thing was that it was true, at home it wasn’t unusual for us to sleep together in his bed watching a movie while my mother still hadn’t come home from work.
- It’s going to be like a slumber party – he said laughing and I couldn’t help but giggle.
- Okay, we can sleep together then – I replied. – But I’m not going to wear just any pajamas – I said, sticking my tongue out at him.
- Whatever you want, baby. – He replied. – Come on, we’ve got a lot to do, leave your things and come.
We left the room and went to see the city. Dad was a great man that day, he took me to a restaurant for chocolate and we walked around the center so I could get to know the place. We had lunch in a beautiful restaurant by a river with snow-covered banks. We laughed and played all day. In the afternoon we called my mother who spoke to us briefly on video. We were on our way back to the room to rest for a while, as we were going for a fondue in the evening, when I noticed my father in the car in a way I’d never noticed before. He was overjoyed about the day with me and at the same time so manly. I noticed that, despite his age, he was still very fit, still funny and kind, still firm, a bastion of security in my life. I kept admiring him as he drove and suddenly I felt my heart racing again. He noticed me watching him and gave me a beautiful smile, then rested his hand on my thigh. His hand was warm and firm, gently squeezing my leg and caressing it with his thumb. I remembered all the times I’d seen him drive like that with my mother in the passenger seat and ended up smiling when I realized that it was me who was there that day. Dad didn’t take his hand off my leg again until we parked at the hotel. We got out of the car and he took my hand, leading me to the room.
We entered the room and I was extremely nervous. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my mouth. I had realized that I was in love with my father, the feeling was almost the same as every time I had fallen in love with a boy at school over the years, except for one reason. I knew that my father was a completely forbidden man and that I shouldn’t feel anything like that for him, so the feeling was accompanied by desire, a burning desire that made my pussy swell with a single look at him. And now I was walking into our bedroom, on the afternoon of our first day, completely soaked.
Dad locked the door behind us.
- I’m going to take a shower. – He said, taking off his coat.
You can just sit on the bed. Dad continued to undress in front of me, showing off his strong chest, his thick legs, he was wearing underpants and I thought he was going to take them off in the bathroom, but then I saw his hands going to the elastic of the garment and pulling it down. I widened my eyes as I saw his cock jump completely hard in the room. I was stunned.
- Did you like it, child? – He asked but I couldn’t answer. – I’ll be in the bath if you need me, okay? – and went into the bathroom.
I heard the shower turn on and my mind was spinning. I couldn’t get the image of his cock out of my mind. My imagination began to run wild, I imagined him making love to me on that bed, I imagined his cock in my mouth. I started to undress and soon I was touching myself on the bed. Then I made a decision. I walked naked to the bathroom, opened the door and went in.
- Is the water hot, Dad? – I asked to announce my arrival; the steam made the heat of the water clear.
- Come and have a taste baby.
I got into the shower with him, the hot water caressing my skin. Dad looked me in the eye and kissed me on the forehead, pulling me by the waist.
- Never tell your mother, but I’ve always wanted to see you like this. – He told me.
- I won’t tell if you don’t. – I said, snuggling into his chest and feeling his hands run down my back. His hard cock pointed to the ceiling and pressed against my belly.
- Why don’t you wash my legs, child? – He said to me and I bent down in front of his member. At that moment I decided to put my modesty aside, I didn’t even get soap to pretend I was interested in the bath, I opened my mouth and started a blowjob, swallowing his entire member. Dad was deep in my throat, stroking my wet hair while I sucked his cock. I must have sucked Dad for about five minutes before he made me get up.
- If you carry on I’m going to come in your mouth, I want more first. – He said this, turning me around and pressing me against the wall. I raised my ass and stood on my tiptoes, feeling him brush his perfect member against my pussy from behind and enter.
- Aiii Daddy, that’s it, that’s it. – I moaned, thrusting into his cock. – Fuck me, fuck me, Daddy.
- Do you like it, my love? – Him calling me “love” drove me crazy, it’s how he used to talk to Mom.
- Yes love, fuck me hard please, make me yours. – I said between moans.
Dad started fucking me hard, pulling my hair and holding me by the scruff of my neck. He fucked me for long, pleasurable minutes until I felt his cock swelling in my pussy and his movements speeding up.
- Come inside me, Daddy,” I asked. – Come inside your little girl, I want your cum filling me up, daddy. – I moaned almost screaming as he accelerated like an animal in my pussy.
- I’m going to cum, little bitch, I’m going to cum. – He replied, breathing heavily. – I’m filling you up my love, ahhhh – Dad moaned thickly in my ear as I felt the jets of cum invade my womb. I rolled around on his cock for a while longer, but he didn’t pull out until he was soft.
Dad hugged me and gave me a very wet, delicious kiss.
- Thank you, child, you don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming about this,” he said.
- You’re very naughty, you didn’t even let your own daughter get away with it,” I replied, grinning at him as I stroked his cock.
- I wish I’d fucked you years ago at home with you parading around in those piranha shorts. – he replied, laughing too and kissing my neck.
- If I’d known it would be like this, I’d have given it to you a lot sooner. – I said. – Tell me something, Dad?
- What daughter?
- Am I hotter than Mom? – I asked.
- Much hotter, love, much hotter.
We finished our shower and took a nap, then we called my mother from the bedroom again, to disguise it we put on a shirt but under the covers we were naked while we talked to her.
And that was just the first afternoon of that week’s vacation, which turned out to be our little secret honeymoon.