Ma vie sexuelle se limite actuellement au travail manuel, c'est à dire à la branlette, ce qui n'est évidemment pas vraiment épanouissant. Avec ma mère, je ne sais pas trop comment les choses fonctionnent.
Elle sort souvent toute la nuit, soi-disant avec un bon ami, mais le dernier trimestre de l'année, elle est toujours à la maison le soir.
Récemment, j'ai commencé à regarder ma mère différemment. J'ai essayé de la voir en culotte ou peut-être nue. Je n’y suis presque jamais parvenu.
Je cherchais sa culotte sexy usagée et je la sentais quand je me masturbais dans la salle de bain.
Une fois, j'ai essayé d'apercevoir quelque chose par le trou de la serrure de la salle de bain alors qu'elle prenait une douche, mais l'angle n'était pas bon et je ne pouvais rien voir.
La seule option était la porte de la chambre. Mais l’angle de vue n’était pas bon non plus.
Je ne pouvais voir que lorsqu'elle se déplaçait dans la pièce.
Parfois, je pouvais la voir en culotte pendant un bref instant. Mais pas grand-chose.
Aujourd'hui, c'était samedi soir et ma mère voulait sortir.
Elle allait changer à cause de ça. J’en ai donc profité et j’ai jeté un nouveau coup d’œil par le trou de la serrure.
D'une manière ou d'une autre, je ne pouvais pas la voir. Pourquoi pas?
Bien sûr, je ne savais pas qu'elle avait déjà emballé ses affaires à l'avance et qu'elle n'avait donc plus besoin de se promener dans la pièce.
C'est ainsi que le désastre a suivi son cours. Soudain, la porte s'est ouverte et ma mère s'est arrêtée devant moi, toute habillée, et m'a vu penchée devant la porte.
La situation était absolument claire et des excuses étaient totalement inutiles.
Je me suis approché rapidement et j'ai vu son visage se tordre de colère.
« Qu'est-ce que c'est censé être ? "Tu ne me surveilles pas vraiment?" elle m'a grondé bruyamment.
« Le gars est assis devant ma porte et regarde par le trou de la serrure. "Je pourrais te donner quelques coups à gauche et à droite, même si tu es trop vieux pour ça", a-t-elle poursuivi.
Tout ce que je pouvais faire, c'était me tenir devant elle et balbutier des bêtises comme « Je suis désolé » et « Je suis désolé ».
J'étais extrêmement gêné par la situation et j'avais l'impression de m'effondrer au sol.
"Que dois-je faire de toi maintenant?" » demanda-t-elle, devenant de plus en plus irritée.
"Je pense que nous devons tous les deux avoir une discussion sérieuse maintenant et ce ne sera certainement pas bon pour toi."
Avec colère, elle m'a attrapé par la ceinture de mon pantalon et m'a traîné dans la chambre. Je pensais qu'elle allait attaquer à tout moment.
« Venez ici maintenant et asseyez-vous. "Je vais me débarrasser de ce malentendu une fois pour toutes", dit-elle en continuant à me tirer par la ceinture de mon pantalon vers son lit.
Elle s'est arrêtée là et m'a donné avec colère une forte poussée dans la poitrine et je suis tombée sur le lit.
"S'il te plaît, s'il te plaît, maman, je suis désolé d'avoir fait quelque chose comme ça. Je ne sais vraiment pas pourquoi. Honnêtement, je suis désolé.
Je vous promets que quelque chose comme ça ne se reproduira plus jamais.
« D’une manière ou d’une autre, vous devez être hors de tout danger. Mon garçon, comment vais-je pouvoir te faire à nouveau confiance ? Je pourrais exploser de rage », a-t-elle poursuivi.
Je voulais monter et m'asseoir. Lorsqu'elle s'en est rendu compte, elle s'est agenouillée sur le lit et, toujours avec la colère au ventre, m'a poussé à nouveau aussi fort qu'elle le pouvait et m'a frappé à la poitrine avec son poing.
« Maintenant, reste là jusqu'à ce que j'en ai fini avec toi, jeune homme.
"Vous allez devoir entendre quelques choses d'abord", a-t-elle continué à se plaindre, mais elle est devenue un peu plus silencieuse.
« Bon sang, pourquoi ? Quel est l'intérêt de faire ça ? De toute façon, on ne voit rien. Tu ne peux pas louer un film porno comme tous les garçons de ton âge ? Pourquoi essaies-tu d'énerver ta mère ? Vous avez vraiment détruit ma confiance.
Est-ce que vous fouinez aussi secrètement dans mes affaires ? elle a demandé encore plus.
"Non maman, je n'ai jamais fait ça auparavant. C'est vraiment tabou. Je vous le jure, "j'ai essayé de calmer les choses d'une manière ou d'une autre.
« Pourquoi es-tu tendu ? En as-tu tellement besoin ? elle a demandé.
"Eh bien, oui..." J'ai essayé de me justifier, embarrassé, "c'est parce que tu es si belle. Tu n'as rien à voir avec une mère. J'admirais ta jolie culotte sur la corde à linge et je voulais vraiment voir à quoi elles ressemblaient quand tu les portais.
Le gamin essaie de justifier le gâchis qu'il a fait avec un compliment. « C'est audacieux », dit-elle, mais elle est visiblement plus calme.
« Honnêtement, maman. Regardez-vous simplement dans le miroir.
Tu es une femme absolument incroyable. Si tu n'étais pas ma mère, je te draguerais même dans la rue », ai-je essayé de la garder de bonne humeur.
«N'en faites pas trop», dit-elle, un peu gênée, et j'ai remarqué que sa colère s'évaporait lentement.
Elle m'a même doucement caressé les cheveux et m'a regardé avec un léger sourire.
"Pas vraiment. Si je le dis, alors c'est vrai. Tu ne remarques pas quand les hommes te sèchent ? Et il ne s'agit pas uniquement de personnes âgées, dis-je en essayant de la distraire d'une manière ou d'une autre.
« Je ne sais vraiment pas. Est-ce si intéressant pour toi de me voir en sous-vêtements que tu prennes un tel risque et te laisses attraper par moi ? "Vous avez même vu d'autres filles nues", a-t-elle poursuivi.
«C'est quelque chose de différent. Tu as l'air si érotique et je voulais juste savoir comment tu étais.
«Je ne peux pas l'expliquer autrement», ai-je essayé de justifier mes actions.
Ma mère se redressa, complètement perdue dans ses pensées. Personne n'a dit un mot. Comme si inconsciemment et involontairement, elle posa sa main sur ma jambe et caressa légèrement mon pantalon.
Comme si elle était parvenue à une conclusion dans ses pensées, elle m'a soudainement tiré vers le haut et m'a demandé : « Comment réagirais-tu si je disais que je voulais voir le haut de ton corps nu maintenant ? Ou voyons à quoi ressemblent vos sous-vêtements. Je pense que tu trouverais ça étrange, non ? Garçon Garçon! En fait, je devrais toujours être très en colère contre toi.
Qu'est-ce que je fais de toi maintenant ? Dois-je fermer tous les trous de serrure maintenant ? Ou voudrais-tu que je te surveille quand tu te masturbes à nouveau ?
Claquer! Ça a marché. Je ne l'avais jamais vu de cette façon.
Lorsqu'elle réalisa que la dernière question avait reçu une réponse, elle me tira par le col et me prit dans ses bras et dit :
"Tu vois.
Maintenant tu sais ce que je veux dire. Je pense que nous devrions nous entendre à nouveau. Je pense que c'était juste quelque chose de stupide de votre part.
"Honnêtement, je suis désolé et je vous promets que cela n'arrivera plus jamais", lui ai-je promis sincèrement et heureux de m'en être si bien sorti.
« Vous auriez pu me demander. Qui sait quel genre de réponse vous auriez obtenu ? dit-elle en m'attirant vers elle et en m'embrassant sur la joue.
"C'est difficile pour moi de venir vers toi et de te dire : 'Salut maman, je pense que tu es sexy et je veux voir à quoi tu ressembles en culotte'", ai-je encore répondu, avec plus de courage.
"Eh bien, ça semble un peu bizarre", a-t-elle ri, "mais pourquoi pas ?
Essayons dans l'autre sens.
« Cher Pedro, j'aimerais voir ton corps musclé. "Voudriez-vous enlever votre chemise?" elle a demandé.
Je ne savais pas si elle était sérieuse ou si elle plaisantait avec moi, alors j'ai demandé : « Est-ce que tu plaisantes avec moi maintenant ? Ou…?"
« Est-ce que j'ai l'air de plaisanter avec toi ? Je ne pense pas.
Je suis sérieuse", a-t-elle confirmé.
Avant que je m'en rende compte, elle s'est assise sur mes genoux et m'a demandé : « Quelle est la prochaine étape ? "Oui ou non?"
"Bien sûr, bien sûr," intervins-je, ne sachant pas ce qu'elle voulait dire.
"Alors allons-y. Débarrassez-vous de votre chemise," dit-elle et elle commença à déboutonner ma chemise.
J'ai été stupéfait et, plus vite que je ne l'avais imaginé à l'époque, la chemise s'est ouverte. Je me sentais complètement différent et ma bite devenait de plus en plus grosse lentement. J'espérais qu'elle ne le remarquerait pas parce que j'étais presque assis dessus.
J'ai désespérément essayé de supprimer la croissance.
Mais cela restait une tentative. La situation était totalement irréelle, mais elle m’excitait quand même.
J'avais l'impression que ma mère essayait de m'enseigner une leçon qui m'empêcherait de regarder une fois pour toutes.
Elle m'a doucement caressé la poitrine et m'a dit : "Tu es vraiment gentil
Pas un gramme de graisse en plus.
Puis elle est venue s'asseoir sur le lit à côté de moi. Dieu merci, pensai-je, sinon elle pourrait encore sentir mon érection dans son corps.
« Alors, continuons à jouer. Des droits égaux pour nous deux.
C'est maintenant à votre tour de poser votre question », a-t-elle déclaré. Je l'ai regardée confuse, puis j'ai posé la question qu'elle voulait que je pose : « Chère maman, s'il te plaît, montre-moi à quoi tu ressembles sans veste, juste avec un soutien-gorge ?
"Eh bien, ça va," dit-elle en ouvrant la veste du costume.
« Si vous demandez gentiment, vous obtiendrez une réponse polie. Et maintenant, tu peux aussi voir mon soutien-gorge.
J'ai regardé son soutien-gorge, qui couvrait à peine ses seins.
«Je pense que tu devrais remettre ta veste. "Tu n'as pas l'air d'aimer la vue", dit-elle en regardant mon entrejambe d'un air incisif, là où le renflement de mon pantalon ne pouvait plus être caché.
"Non, non," dis-je rapidement, "J'aimerais regarder autour de moi un peu plus. Tu as de si beaux seins.
Ils ont l'air vraiment super.
« Pensez-vous que ce ne sera pas trop pour vous ? Si ta partie continue à grandir comme ça, ça pourrait faire mal", dit-elle maintenant en regardant directement ma bite.
"C'est très bien. C'est parce que je pense que tu es vraiment sexy, » ai-je essayé de justifier ma situation.
Vous pourrez donc en profiter un peu plus, si vous le souhaitez. "Mais faites attention à ce que vos yeux ne vous tombent pas de la tête", a-t-elle dit en poursuivant sa conférence. « Réalisez-vous maintenant que vous irez beaucoup plus loin si vous demandez honnêtement et risquez d'entendre non, que si vous restez là à espionner et ne voyez rien du tout ?
"Oui… je comprends ça," dis-je doucement. Que faisait-elle? Voulait-elle m'exciter puis me laisser dehors sous la pluie ? Était-ce censé être ma punition ?
Je ne l'avais jamais vue d'autant et d'aussi près.
Je regardais toujours ses seins avec la langue sortie, souhaitant pouvoir les toucher pour une fois.
"Voudrais-tu les toucher aussi?" » demanda-t-elle doucement. Pourrait-elle lire dans mes pensées ? Ma vision était-elle si claire ? Je ne pouvais rien dire tellement j'étais étonné. Je ne pouvais qu'acquiescer silencieusement.
Mais je n'osais pas encore y aller.
« Sans inhibitions, elle m’a encore demandé de faire ce dont je rêvais depuis longtemps. Pour confirmer qu'elle était sérieuse, elle m'a pris la main et l'a posée sur sa poitrine.
Je ai été impressionné. J'étais tellement excitée. Elle m'a encore caressé la poitrine et m'a dit : « Tu peux me serrer un peu plus fort et me caresser là ». Ils ne mordent pas.
Excité comme un petit garçon, j'ai commencé à lui caresser le sein.
"Hmm, tu vas bien," dit-elle en enlevant complètement sa veste.
"Alors maintenant, vous pouvez voir à quoi je ressemble avec juste un soutien-gorge, sans rien sur le dessus. "Est-ce que tu l'aimes au moins?" elle a demandé.
J'ai encore secoué la tête et j'ai dit : « Absolument génial.
Encore plus beau que je ne l’imaginais.
« Qu'est-ce que ça fait ? »
« Joli, doux et serré. "Vos seins sont si gros et vos mamelons sont si durs", répondis-je d'une voix tremblante.
« Alors ne me fais pas attendre et caresse un peu ma poitrine. "Voyez si mes mamelons ne grossissent pas encore", a-t-elle poursuivi.
J'ai immédiatement recommencé à caresser ses seins et à jouer avec ses tétons chauds.
Elle a commencé à gémir doucement et elle appréciait clairement ça.
J'ai commencé à vraiment pétrir ses seins.
J'ai remarqué qu'elle était lentement mais sûrement excitée. Je me demandais où cela allait. Irait-elle plus loin ou se réveillerait-elle immédiatement et finirait-elle brusquement ?
Pour le moment, cela ne ressemblait pas à ça.
Elle est tombée à la renverse sur le lit et m'a tiré vers elle.
Je jouais encore avec sa poitrine quand elle m'a embrassé.
Pas comme une mère et son enfant, mais un baiser très chaleureux et intime, comme un homme et une femme.
Ma bite avait l'impression d'être enfermée, elle était tellement serrée dans mon pantalon.
J'étais tellement excitée. Malgré cela, je me suis ressaisie et j'ai fait ce qu'elle m'a dit et m'a assuré, même si c'était difficile pour moi.
Nous avons passé un moment ensemble et j'avais peur de jouir dans mon pantalon. J'y étais presque.
Puis maman a arrêté de m'embrasser. C'est tout, pensais-je. Maintenant, elle reprend ses esprits.
« Que serait-il réellement arrivé si tu m'avais vu comme ça quand tu me taquinais plus tôt ? "Serais-tu allé dans ta chambre pour te masturber?" elle a demandé.
"Je ne sais pas… peut-être… peut-être," balbutiai-je, rougissant alors qu'elle exprimait mes pensées si clairement.
« C'est ce que tu voulais voir à travers le trou de la serrure ? Ou vous attendiez-vous à voir autre chose ? "Voulez-vous me surprendre nue ou portez-vous simplement de la lingerie sexy?"
Quelle était la question? Elle aurait dû comprendre clairement ce que voulait un jeune homme de mon âge.
"Bien sûr, j'aime la lingerie… elle te va aussi bien… mais je la préférerais sans", admis-je ouvertement, n'ayant aucune idée de ce que ma mère avait en tête pour moi.
"Alors tu aimerais que mes seins soient encore plus beaux sans soutien-gorge", se dit-elle.
J'ai secoué ma tête.
Sa voix était un peu essoufflée, quelque peu érotique.
Pour que tu n'aies plus jamais à t'asseoir devant le trou de la serrure, tu peux maintenant enlever mon soutien-gorge et le regarder. ", proposa-t-elle et me retourna de manière invitante.
Excitée, j'ai joué avec le fermoir et j'ai essayé de défaire le soutien-gorge.
Avec la remarque : « Nous devons encore pratiquer cela pour que tu puisses le faire mieux la prochaine fois », elle m'a aidé à défaire le fermoir et s'est mise à rire.
Maintenant, je pouvais admirer ses seins complètement exposés. Ses tétons ressortaient, durs et excités. Ses seins ne pendaient pas, mais ils étaient toujours fermes et toniques.
En fait, elle n’avait pas besoin de soutien-gorge. Je ne pouvais m'empêcher de regarder les choses avec fascination.
Qu'a-t-elle dit d'autre ? … demande juste la prochaine fois !… Je devrais… J'avais déjà le droit de la toucher à travers le soutien-gorge… le permettrait-elle à nouveau maintenant ? … ce n'est pas grave… maintenant je voulais lui montrer que j'avais compris et je lui ai demandé : « Chère maman, tu as de beaux seins. Puis-je jouer avec mes tétons ? »
La mère a beaucoup ri et a déclaré : « Mon fils a appris la leçon. Comme il y a toujours une récompense pour les étudiants obéissants, vous pouvez maintenant saisir mes seins.
Désormais, plus rien ne pouvait m'arrêter.
J'ai attrapé ses seins à deux mains et les ai pétris légèrement. Je travaillais toujours à tour de rôle sur l'un de ses mamelons.
Elle était complètement détendue, le dos contre ma poitrine et appréciait mon traitement les yeux fermés et dit à voix basse : « Vous allez très bien. Tu es incroyablement doué pour ça.
Now I’ve caressed your entire upper body. From her neck to her chest to her stomach and back again. She purred like a cat.
I really enjoyed pampering my mother and feeling her getting hotter, hornier and hornier.
For me, the excitement got worse and worse. I would have loved to take my cock out and cum right now. But it was clear to me that my mother would feel taken advantage of and that I would have ruined everything.
So I tried to think of everything possible, except my cock, which of course was very difficult for me.
Now my mother stood up and said: “That was very nice, but I think we should stop now. We’ve gone too far. I think you’ve had more than is good for both of us.” She looked at me a little mischievously.
Did she really mean what she said? Could I change her mind somehow?
“Oh mom.
Now that it’s getting good… why should I stop?” I begged.
“You can do everything, but we can’t do anything else. There has to be an end somehow.”
Should I ask her more directly? Mom said it was okay if she asked questions.
I tried and begged: “Dear Mom.
But I haven’t seen your panties yet. Let me at least see if it suits you. Above all, I really like your stockings.
Now she started to joke and said, not without poking me in the side and tickling me: “Oh, man. What a pain in the ass you are.
You’ve seen more of me than through the keyhole. Are you never satisfied?
“Yes…, but… well… I imagine the rest would be nice too,” I didn’t give up.
“What if you saw that too? Just look at yourself. You already have problems with your dick.” “So you want to run up to your room and masturbate thinking about your mother?” she tried to tease me.
“No… of course not…” I stammered.
“Who are you trying to intimidate now?” “Be honest with me,” I was reprimanded.
“Yes… you’re right…, but the way you say it…”
“How can I say that?”
“So direct.”
It corresponds to the facts.
Why talk about it? I can see that you’d like to enjoy it.
It was very strange. Earlier she had almost slapped me when I was secretly watching her and now she was enjoying teasing me like that. But what she said was true. I was horny to the point of exploding and I wouldn’t even have to masturbate hard to make myself come.
She seemed to think for a moment and then said: “All right. So would you like me to take my skirt off too?
I could only nod.
“I don’t hear anything!”
“Yes, Mom. I’d like you to take your skirt off,” I said quietly.
“Well then… it’s all right…”
She unzipped the zipper very slowly and pulled the skirt down a little so that I could see the beginning of her panties and the indentation of her ass. But then she stopped, turned to me and said: “I don’t know. Do you really want me to show you the rest? What do you have for me?”
I looked at Mom questioningly. I didn’t understand what she meant.
“If I take my skirt off now, you’ll have gotten what you wanted. You could see me half-naked. “What are you giving me in return?” she asked.
“What do you want?” I asked and looked at her expressionlessly.
“Well, yes… think about it… Shouldn’t you offer me something of yourself? Maybe one step at a time?” Mom explained to me.
What should I offer her to get her to take off her skirt? Should I also make myself completely free? Did she really want to see my cock?
“Should I take my clothes off in front of you too?” I asked a little uncertainly.
“Yes, that’s how I imagined it. You can start with your jeans,” she suggested.
Then I understood correctly. I stood on the floor and unbuttoned my pants. As I started to pull them down, my mother slowly lowered her skirt too.
As we both lay on the floor, we looked at each other with our mouths open.
Oh man, the woman looked hot. Her figure was breathtaking. Dressed only in stockings and a thong, she was sin personified.
“Oh man, Mom, you look beautiful,” I let slip.
“But you have a big cock. I never thought it would have become such a beautiful thing,” she said almost in a whisper, without responding to my words.
I looked down and blushed slightly. My underwear couldn’t contain the head of my cock.
Mom stroked my chest, down to my belly and when she came with the back of her hand against my glans, she immediately pulled back and released me. She licked her dry lips and lay back on the bed. I stopped, somewhat indecisively.
Mom pulled me by the hand so that I was lying on the bed too. She couldn’t take her eyes off my abdomen. It was the same for me. I kept looking at her too.
Very shyly, I ran my hand lightly over her nylon-stockinged leg. I stopped where the bare flesh began and let my hand return to her feet. Man, this woman looks hot in black stockings and panties.
Mom moaned with excitement and stroked my leg, lost in thought, still looking at my panties.
Could a woman get as excited as a man if she saw him naked? Somehow it seemed that way, because Mom had forgotten everything around her. I wriggled on the bed, my underwear being pulled down a little further. As a result, my cock was now hanging out to its full length and only my sack was still hidden.
It seemed that mom liked it even more.
When I stroked her legs a little higher, she automatically spread them so wide that I now had a clear view of her panties. To my dismay, it still completely covered her pussy, but I could see that she was getting wetter there.
A sign that not only was I excited to the point of exploding, but so was my mother.
“Do you like touching your legs when your socks are still on or do you prefer it without them?” she asked so quietly that I could barely understand her.
“I think… that nylon stockings are much more erotic and mysterious. Almost a bit kinky. “It’s really nice when you stroke it…” I admitted honestly.
“So, please, keep stroking me.
“I like the feeling when you touch me like that too,” she moaned softly.
I stroked her legs with both hands, always stopping at the top of her stockings and going back down.
I could admire all her beauty. There wasn’t a hair sticking out of her panties and I wondered if that pussy was shaved or not.
Now we were slightly opposite each other and could look directly at the objects of our desires.
Mom also stroked my legs, but to my dismay she didn’t touch my cock, she just continued on my belly. I was unbelievably horny and needed some relaxation.
Mom’s panties became more and more transparent due to the humidity.
The outline of her horny pussy was clearly visible. I simply couldn’t resist and ran my finger along those lines. Instead of resisting, as I had almost expected, she spread her legs even wider. To me it seemed like an invitation to continue.
I got up and lay down so that we were lying next to each other again. As my underwear was bothering me, I simply took it off completely without asking my mother.
She looked at me with wide eyes, but didn’t protest. I lay down so that I could suck on her breast.
It was like a dream. I could lie freely on those wonderful breasts while I caressed her entire upper body. I began to touch her again in her sanctuary. I got bolder and now rubbed her clitoris.
Mom moaned with excitement and gave me a hot kiss. We let our tongues dance faster and faster.
I had never experienced such an emotional and erotic game. I intensely absorbed every movement and every touch.
Normally it would all be over for me and I would have come a long time ago. But now I had the feeling that I could go on like this for hours, even though I was horny.
I simply pushed my panties aside and touched the center of my desire for the first time. A shiver ran down my spine and made me shiver.
Even when I carefully slipped a finger into her wet hole and groped her innermost being, my mother held out. Meanwhile, I continued to stimulate her clitoris with my thumb. Mom squirmed against me with excitement and started rubbing my cock with her leg. I had to move away a little, otherwise I would have squirted all over her.
It was too hot to feel her stockinged leg on my cock. But she immediately came up behind me again and rubbed my cock.
Mom… please don’t… I can’t take it…” I moaned and started fucking her even harder with my finger.
Suddenly, she pushed my hand away and sat up.
‘Shit… if only I’d shut up… now she’s awake and it’s all over,’ I thought.
My mother looked deeply at me and asked: “You seem to be having some small problems. Why can’t I touch you while you play with my clit and stick your fingers in my soaked pussy?
“Yes… you can…, but… it’s just…” I stammered. I was a little embarrassed to tell her directly why I’d avoided it.
“Are you embarrassed about it?” she simply continued.
“No! Not at all. It’s just…”
“So you want to stop…” Mom said and smiled at me.
“Ooooohhh no… not at all….
I’d like to continue…, but… ah, shit… I can’t tell you like this…” I tried to somehow make it clear to her how things were going with me.
“So what. Then everything’s clear,” she said, rubbing my cock lightly with her foot.
I moaned and said: “Please, Mom… stop a moment…. I can’t…”
But Mom probably wanted to take everything to the extreme. She definitely knew how things were with me. Why did she torture me like that?
I couldn’t just cum now. If I spurted all over her legs, she’d definitely think I was a quick squirt and this game would be over. She slid her toes over my cock again and again.
“Come on, tell me what’s wrong with you.
“I want to hear it,” I was told.
“Mae what are you doing…. I’m so horny… aaaahhh… please take your foot off… Damn, I’m coming soon!!! “I’m going to come!!!” I shouted.
I had to pull myself together with all my might. The sensation of the nylon stockings on my cock finished me off.
“If only you’d said long before that your cock has a cold and is about to get a runny nose.
You’re probably afraid that I’ll be disappointed. You don’t have to be afraid of that. I know I’ve teased you to no end and now it’s time for you.
You just have to say it. Maybe I can help you.
She pushed my legs apart, squatted between them and took my cock in her hands. “Now I’m going to show you what you’re missing if you keep doing this,” she said and began to masturbate me lightly.
I heard the angels singing. This woman knew exactly how to drive a man crazy.
“Well, what’s it like?” “Does your hot cock like being jerked off?” she asked in a really vulgar way. I’d never heard anything like that from her before.
But I really liked the way she expressed herself like that. It showed me that she was as turned on as I was.
“Yes… it’s beautiful… aahhh… be careful….
“I’m coming…” I moaned.
Mom stopped immediately and said with a smile: “I don’t think so. If I stop now, it’ll all be over.”
“Please, Mom, finish. I can’t take it anymore,” I begged.
“Well, if you ask me so politely, then I don’t want to be like this,” she said and leaned over my cock. The glans was completely wet from the drops that had already fallen. Before I could think, she put my cock in her mouth and started sucking it.
Attention…. “I can’t take it anymore…” I shouted and tried, without enthusiasm, to free my cock. I had no idea how my mother would react if I squirted all the cream into her mouth or face.
But she didn’t allow herself to be dissuaded and instead sucked even harder.
She let me go deep down her throat. I couldn’t understand how she did it. Now she started jerking me off hard and squeezing my balls lightly.
I couldn’t stand it any longer.
I shouted as a warning: “I’m going to cum”.
And then the cum just poured out of me. Instead of turning her head to the side, which I expected, she just sucked harder, so I squirted it all into her mouth.
I cringed again and again and, moaning loudly, shot one spurt after another. She swallowed each one without a single drop leaving her mouth.
When I’d finished, she continued licking as if nothing had happened and cleaned my cock of all the sperm residue.
She licked the head again and then stood up.
“So. Now we can continue in peace without the pressure on you being too great and we’ll both get more out of it.
Otherwise, you would have cum completely uncontrollably and I wouldn’t have eaten any of your cum. I love swallowing cum and sucking cock. It makes me so horny,” my mother said and lay back with her legs spread.
“Now it’s your turn.
I’ll be surprised what you come up with,” she explained to me.
I immediately started stroking her legs again, tracing the shapes of her pussy with my fingers.
My finger was completely wet.
“Damn boy.
Now she was lying in front of me, completely naked.
She was completely shaved and the lips of her pussy glistened with moisture. I eagerly took in her warm scent.
Since my mother had relieved me of the great pressure, I could now concentrate entirely on her.
I was still hornier than ever, but I didn’t need to rush anything anymore.
Again and again, like a cat walking through a bush, I stroked her pleasure center and then briefly passed through her slit again and massaged her clitoris.
She struggled back and forth and moaned constantly. Whenever I hit her clit, she raised her ass and pressed herself against my hand.
“Oh yes, you’re doing great. You’re making me horny,” I heard her say softly.
She looked incredibly hot, lying there with her eyes closed and wearing only stockings. I couldn’t get enough of that image.
Now my pressure on her pussy became stronger and she literally resisted my hand.
She seemed to be no longer in this world, but far away in the realm of pleasure. She squirmed under my hands and you could see that her body was screaming for satisfaction.
It was the first time I’d been able to feel a hairless pussy, since my previous girlfriends (unfortunately only two where I’d managed to get this far) had thick hair.
Mom’s hand found my cock and stroked it. The touch was light as a breath, but it had a greater impact than if she had pulled it out brutally.
I played this game for a long time, running one hand all over her body without stopping to stroke her pussy with the other.
For a moment she was with me again and moaned: “You’re driving me crazy.
I can’t stand it any longer.”
She was totally wet and her swollen clitoris showed cheekily through the slit.
I pulled away completely and let this beautiful sight have its effect on me. I had never seen anything so beautiful and exciting before.
I completely forgot to continue caressing her.
Now my mother looked at me with a loving smile and said: “I don’t like to disturb your thoughts, but it would be nice if you did something. It doesn’t matter what. Just do it!
I would have loved to lie on top of her and push my cock into her. But I was worried that she wasn’t ready yet and that it would echo in me later.
I had no way of knowing how far she would let herself go. So I stroked her beautifully shaved pussy again. Mom started squirming back and forth again.
Since she had put my cock in her mouth, I thought she probably wouldn’t mind if I licked her too.
I carefully ran my tongue over her pussy and absorbed her juices. I’d never done anything like this before and I was surprised that I liked the juice from that pussy so much.
As there was no defensive reaction, just a lustful moan, I became bolder and began to lick her completely. I even stuck my tongue into her hot hole and fucked her lightly with it, only to work on her clitoris again the next moment.
“Uhhh, mhh, yeah, that’s nice. “Go on,” I heard her say as she pressed her abdomen towards me.
I ran my tongue up to her rear entrance and circled it too. Then she squirmed so hard against me that even my nose disappeared into her hole.
Now I took her clitoris between my lips and literally sucked it.
I kept alternating between licking and sucking. My mother got more and more excited and started playing with her own breasts.
As if a floodgate had been opened, love juice flowed out of her.
I licked and sucked like crazy to absorb everything and not let anything escape.
Her abdomen began to squirm more and more. She couldn’t be far from an orgasm.
Her moans got louder and her breathing became more irregular and when I stopped briefly to take a breath, she shouted: “Don’t stop.
Keep going. Fuck me with your tongue. Tear my clit off with your lips. “Lick my pussy dry.”
Man, the woman was so horny.
I was now licking furiously, when I pushed another finger into her hot hole and fucked her hard, that was it for her.
Her face contorted and her hand pressed tensely on her lower stomach.
She screamed loudly: “I’m coming, aaahhhhh.” She pressed my head so hard against her pussy with her hands that I could hardly breathe.
One wave after another shook her body and gave her a continuous mega orgasm.
She had lost control of herself and was nothing but a bundle of lust.
I didn’t stop licking her, I just softened again and let my finger rest in her hole as I felt her orgasm slowly subside.
I started stroking her gently all over her body, not missing her breasts, giving special treatment to her nipples.
I carefully let my fingers wander around her pussy again and immediately went back to treating only her breasts.
Her breathing, which had just recovered a little, began to become more unsteady and shallow again.
“Please touch my breasts. Massage them,” Mom begged.
I had a lot of fun pampering her with such affection because I could tell she was floating on a cloud of pleasure again.
Strangely, it was easy for me to put aside my own lust and worry only about my mother’s feelings.
It was incomprehensible to me that she could continue to enjoy my game after such a powerful orgasm.
I saw her slit blossoming like a flower and parted her pussy lips wide to get a good look at everything.
I couldn’t resist and let my tongue circle around her clitoris again.
Suddenly, I noticed a slight pain in my shoulder. She held on tight and dug her nails into my flesh.
But it was more of a sweet pain and I was happy to accept it for the warm sight it offered me.
Her grip increased and she used her legs to press my head firmly into her pussy like a vise.
Then, totally unexpectedly for me, within a few minutes she came again with a short scream, for the second time. Not as strong as the first orgasm, but still with high intensity, as I could tell from the spasms in her body.
Now I left her pussy alone and just stroked her legs and belly lightly. I liked the feel of her stockings on my body.
It took two or three minutes for my mother to return to earth. She looked at me with a loving smile and gently stroked my hair.
She looked very happy and relaxed. There was absolute silence between us and no one wanted to interrupt the harmony of our feelings.
We just looked deeply into each other’s eyes and could read each other’s happiness.
As she stood there, I admired and adored her even more than before.
In her sexy nakedness she was the most beautiful woman imaginable.
If I already loved her as a mother, I realized now that I was beginning to see, love and desire her more and more as a woman.
She was now the first to break the silence and say affectionately: “Thank you, my boy.
Thank you 1000 times.
You have given me the most beautiful feelings. “Never before has a man been able to bring me to such powerful climaxes in such quick succession.”
I was so proud to hear such praise from my mother and replied: “That wasn’t difficult at all, no matter how hot you were. It was wonderful to be able to experience something like that with you.”
“Nevertheless. At least you held back and just concentrated on me.
“I’ve never experienced that before, that a man puts his own feelings on the back burner and only thinks about satisfying the woman,” she continued to compliment me and, completely oblivious to herself, stroked my pleasure stick, which was still hard as a rock and also waiting to be released.
“How beautiful you think it was to see you float off into another world.”
“I don’t know how you managed to make me forget everything around me. I was riding a wave of pleasure. “You played me like an instrument from which you extract a love song,” she tried to explain her feelings to me.
“I think I’ve had enough time to recover.
Now I’m going to take care of you a bit. After all, I totally neglected you and only thought about myself,” she said and began to caress my chest.
“But Mom, you don’t have to if you can’t do it anymore. “I can wait or even do without,” I said, secretly thinking of the best way to masturbate.
“I really believe you.
But I’m not an old woman yet and I’ll still fuck a young man like you, even after an adventure like that,” she said, laughing out loud.
She took my cock in her hand and pulled it lightly and tenderly, saying:
“I’m still impressed by how big and beautiful it is. I think I could get used to your cock forever.”
This statement hit me like a thunderbolt. Perhaps this means that there should be a continuation of our game on other days? I didn’t dare hope for such good luck and gave myself over entirely to the charm my mother gave me with her hand.
I would have loved to attack her and fuck her until she collapsed, but I had the impression that, despite everything, she wasn’t ready for this final step.
Somehow I could understand that too. After all, it’s not an everyday occurrence when a son fucks his mother and the fact that she has a certain inhibition threshold is probably understandable.
But I was happy with what I had and now I have.
“Now you don’t do anything to me and let me spoil you,” she said and started sucking my cock.
I couldn’t suppress a loud moan when her tongue touched my glans and began to play. Her hair tickled my stomach and increased the erotic effect many times over.
Her tongue circled my glans and slowly made its way down the shaft until she grabbed my balls and let them disappear into her mouth.
Now it was my turn to disappear into the clouds. She gave me feelings I didn’t even know existed.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the dance of her tongue.
Then she let my glans disappear into her mouth and gently opened the slit of the glans with her tongue.
It felt very warm as she knelt in front of me and her breasts swayed back and forth with every movement of her head.
As my mother was an experienced woman, she knew how I felt by the contraction of my cock. She sucked my part hard again and then released me.
She sat in front of me with her legs spread so that her lips were open and I could take a look at her pussy.
She looked at me lovingly and asked: “Should I take my socks off now too?” Wouldn’t you rather see me completely naked now?
“No, definitely NOT. Please keep your socks on,” I asked her. “That looks so hot.”
Actually, this woman needs a gun license, no matter how smart she looks now, I thought when I saw her sitting there.
I couldn’t get enough of looking at her as beautiful as she was. She had an erotic charisma that almost drove me crazy. I couldn’t resist and inserted a finger into her hole. She moaned hornily and took my cock in her hand again.
I fucked her with my fingers and sucked her breasts like a baby.
“Oh God, my boy. “You’re making me cum again,” she shouted with a giggle and suddenly stood up.
She got down on her knees and stretched her ass out for me.
A little unsure because I didn’t know exactly what she wanted, I took my fingers again and slipped them in.
“Now enough with the finger,” she said and I quickly pulled it out again.
She was still lying in front of me with her ass up.
She didn’t want me to—? No, I answered myself.
Impossible. She wants something else. But what?
“Holy shit. “How long are you going to make me horny?” she shouted, feigning annoyance.
“Come on. Do I need to be any clearer? – Now finally put your cock in my pussy and fuck me as hard as you can,” she shouted and now it was clear to me what was expected of me.
Strange, but true. In the destiny of my most beautiful dreams.
I was allowed to fuck my own mother.
It was over for me. I hammered my cock deep into her hole, eliciting a small cry of surprise from my mother.
When it had completely disappeared inside her, I remained completely still for a moment, enjoying this completely new sensation.
After all, it wasn’t just any woman.
The same thing happened to my mother. She also remained still for a moment. A penny for her thoughts, I thought, and then she wiggled her ass.
Now nothing could stop me. I slowly began to fuck her.
She moaned louder and louder and came against me with every thrust. I was so wild and the hole was so well lubricated that I even slipped back.
But I didn’t let myself be intimidated and quickly sent my cock back into her dark cavern.
I pushed harder and harder and couldn’t hold back any longer. I injected my seed deep into her womb. I unloaded into her again and again.
“Oh no. Please, not yet,” my mother screamed when she realized she was coming towards me. But it was too late. After I’d injected her with everything, she turned her head to me and said: “It’s a shame, I wish I’d had a bit more time like this.
But I can understand, no matter how excited you are.
But I wasn’t deterred and continued to drive my cock in and out.
As horny as I was and as hot as the situation was, my cock didn’t get any smaller.
I had a constant erection. I never thought anything like that existed and I certainly never thought it would happen to me, of all people.
Now my mother also realized what was happening to me and said with pleasant surprise: “I just can’t believe it. The guy pumps me to overflowing and his cock doesn’t even get any smaller. On the contrary. I have the feeling that it’s even bigger.”
“That has to be you.
“You’re better than any packet of Viagra,” I said.
“Let’s go. Lie down. Now I want to ride you.
“I want to feel you as deeply as I can,” she instructed. I lay on my back and before I knew it she was on top of me and absorbing her joy again. She slowly lowered herself until he disappeared completely inside her.
Now began a diabolical journey.
She kept rising and falling with full force. I was ridden hard by her like a stubborn stallion. Our bodies just slammed into each other.
This woman was starting to scare me.
Anyone who has ever had a woman like that would never let her go again in their life.
Again and again she drove my spear so deep into her abdomen that I felt myself hitting her cervix with every thrust.
I stood up a little and began to massage her breasts.
“Oh yes. That’s nice. Squeeze my breasts. “Wash them until the milk turns to cream,” she shouted.
I was happy to do that. I’d also make butter out of the drop that was in her pussy if she wanted me to.
We forgot everything around us. There was nothing else in this world except the two of us.
We existed as one body, with two halves. The two of us consisted only of lust and lust.
Now I asked her to get down and lie on her back.
She moved closer and looked at me questioningly.
“I’d like to fuck you from the front, because I can look into your eyes when I thrust into you.”
“But of course. “Go ahead,” she said and lay back willingly.
I wanted to delay her a little longer to prolong our pleasure.
I started licking her ripe pussy again and tasting her juices mixed with my seed.
I eagerly licked off the goo and gently and carefully bit her clitoris again. She screamed loudly and I thought it was too wild and that it had hurt her.
But then she shouted: “Do it again. That was nice.”
I was happy to oblige.
I licked it all over again and bit it again, in a totally unexpected, light and tender way. She squealed briefly again.
Now I knelt between her legs, which were spread wide, and began to run my cock along her slit.
She pushed her pussy towards me and tried to grab my cock with her pussy.
Now I didn’t want to torture her anymore and I entered her with pleasure.
She had her eyes closed and it was great to watch her facial expressions. I could read everything on her face.
I was still moving very slowly towards her, enjoying this game of delay.
Then came the moment when she no longer wanted to be contained. I realize now that she wants it all. I continued slowly anyway. I wanted her to come out of her shell again and shout her demands.
She didn’t keep me waiting long and, forgetting everything around her, shouted: “Do it. Fuck me right. My pussy wants more.
Now she was ready. I fucked her as hard as I had ever done in my life.
I thrust again and again, then pulled back a little, only to thrust again just as hard.
Her face became more and more distorted, but she looked even more beautiful than usual.
I hoped she would come soon, because at this rate I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. I wanted her to come first.
She started rubbing her clit like crazy and literally screamed at me: “Come on, you horny pussy licker. Is that all? Finally fuck me harder. I want to feel your cock so hard that it comes out of my throat.
Fuck my pussy until it hurts.
That was complete madness. She shot up like a rocket and rubbed her clit, I was afraid she was going to hurt herself.
Her face was wet with sweat and her breathing was irregular.
With my help, she continuously worked herself to the end and ordered me: “Go on, work on my tits.
Fuck my pussy, but keep it up.
I’ve achieved a real feat. I fucked her obsessively, massaging her nipples with one hand.
With my other hand I grabbed her ass and moved my finger to her rear entrance.
Her ass was completely smeared with our goo and when I carefully tried to insert my finger, her asshole immediately gave way.
I pulled away and then shoved it all the way into her ass with one thrust and immediately started finger fucking her there.
That was really too much for my mother. She clung to my legs and then her whole body shook and began to twitch convulsively. She screamed loudly again and again.
My cock was literally milked out of her pussy and then it was all over for me. I also had to scream to get some air from the orgasm I was having. Again I pumped all my juices into her womb.
I moved towards her and stayed where I was. My cock was still inside her, but I noticed how it was now turning into a pile of misery.
I rolled over and lay on my back. Then I pulled my mother into my arms and started kissing her lightly and gently, without touching her in any other way.
My mother was also completely exhausted, but she returned my kisses and nibbled my tongue tenderly. We didn’t say a word for a while. We just wanted to feel each other.
A few minutes later, I pulled her close to me and said, looking deeply into her eyes: “Dear mother.
That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced. I love you more than anything and I will never give you back.”
“Thank you, my son. I love you so much. No man has ever taken me to such heights.
I’ve already come three times in such a short space of time. That’s never happened to me before. You’re the best lover a woman could ask for. “I’m spoiled by the world of men because I’d compare them all to you,” she said and kissed me again for a long time.
We were both exhausted and slowly fell asleep. I woke up briefly and there I was, lying with my mother in my arms and holding her breast in my hand. So it wasn’t a dream after all. I continued to sleep happily.
At some point in the morning I woke up because something was moving near me.
It was my mother who slowly woke up. We both lay on our sides. I lay behind her and snuggled close to her.
My morning erection pressed firmly against her ass. My mother turned slightly and gave me a kiss and asked: “Well, my young lover, did you sleep well?”
“How do you manage to sleep with such a beautiful woman in your arms? Of course, better than ever,” I replied and kissed her too.
Then she reached out and took my cock in her hand and said jokingly: “What have we got here?” Ah, at least now I know what I was pressing all along.”
My cock grew again in her hand and I noticed how my blood began to pulse strongly.
“Man, it’s grown again. You never get tired!” she said, but she didn’t let go either.
I couldn’t resist and rubbed her clitoris lightly. Everything was still wet.
Or again? I didn’t know. I took my cock and rubbed it over her pussy.
“I don’t think so. The guy wants to go again.
Let’s go. Push it in,” my mother told me.
I quickly did her a favor and started fucking her from behind.
She immediately worked up again and pushed her ass towards me with every thrust.
She wanted a say in the rhythm.
Once again, only our sighs and moans could be heard.
I fucked her wild and hard. No foreplay, no warm-up. Just uninhibited fucking.
But I realized that she wanted it to be the same at this point.
Thank God I was pretty stable because of our game last night and I’d been able to fuck her for a long time. She got more and more excited and her accent started to get a bit more powerful again.
“Aahh, yes, oohhh.
Fuck me mercilessly. Don’t do anything else. Just fuck me in my pussy. Give me your cock.
Impale my pussy.
As an obedient son, I was happy to oblige her. 😉
I fucked her like a rabbit. That was just uninhibited sex. Nothing more romantic.
The addiction to satisfaction was in the foreground.
We were both close to our climax. That’s how we wanted it too. It was just a question of who would capitulate first on this difficult journey.
Then my mother seemed to.
Her face contorted, her moans got louder and she started uttering vulgar words again:
“Aahh, fuck. My pussy wants to be fucked.
If she carried on like this, I would still end up winning the race, although I would have liked to let her go first.
But I had to realize that I didn’t know her well enough while I was fucking her. I still have a lot to learn if I want to know exactly when the time will come.
She came with a primal scream and literally leaned on my cock.
Her face reflected all the pleasure she was feeling. That was the signal for me. With all my strength I began to unload myself into her pussy.
When I pulled out of her pussy after our orgasm had subsided, all my juices gushed out.
First of all, I was completely exhausted and my mother seemed to feel the same way.
She looked at me with a smile and said: “Yes, yes. A quickie in the morning takes all your worries away.”
I had to laugh and asked: “Why were you worried so early?”
“Not exactly,” she said, snuggling into my arm.
“But when I woke up I was already thinking about what to do next. After all, what we do here isn’t exactly normal. After all, we are mother and son. Even if we forget that for a few hours.”
“We can carry on like this if you want us too.
Nobody finds out,” I said quickly, with the great hope that they would agree and that it wouldn’t end abruptly.
“That sounds easy now. I like the idea of having you as a young lover too. Especially after you showed me how incredibly sensitive and loving you can be.
I’ve never had such a beautiful night and I could get used to this kind of awakening. But can we really hide this from everyone? For example, what you’ve just experienced is still written all over your face. And if you have a
young man, know what you love. Am I ruled out then? Maybe I’m too old to look for something else then.
“Think about it too,” she shared her worries and concerns with me.
“I think I can take your worries away.”
“First of all, I love you more than anything and as I’ve known since last night, as a woman. “I thought I loved you because you were my mother, but last night I realized that at some point that changed and I really do love and desire you as a woman.”
“Secondly, I’ve always liked women who are a bit more mature. I’ve never been able to do anything with inexperienced, superficial hens.
That’s why my relationships never lasted long.”
“Thirdly, if we pay attention, no one will notice either. “We don’t need to do this in public,” I tried to calm his worries and hoped I’d succeeded.
“If you see it that way, we can try it together. But if you find someone else, I want to be the first to know.
I hate infidelity and being betrayed is even worse. I’ll agree if you promise to always be completely honest and never lie to me. That would be the worst thing you could do to me,” my mother relented and at the same time laid down her conditions.
“It’s obvious.
I’d hate to be betrayed in the same way. But you don’t have to be afraid.” “I’ve found the woman of my dreams and I’m never going to give her up,” I said and kissed her with pure happiness.
“There’s one more thing,” she said after I let go of her again.
“We’re leaving mother and child out now. That seems a bit strange to me. From today onwards only
Ana and Pedro.
Is that clear?”
and laughs.
“Where will this lead if you only have one thought?
“I don’t know if I can handle being an old woman,” Ana laughed too and started tickling me.
We ran around the beds and behaved like children. When things started moving towards sex again, Ana interrupted us and said: “I think we should stop here and leave this for later. I need a coffee first.
And I could also have breakfast.
There she pulled me up and dragged me out of the room, pulling me by the hand. As naked as we were, we went into the kitchen.
Completely naked? – Indeed. Ana was still wearing her exciting stockings and looked like a goddess.
We chatted happily over breakfast. Then personal hygiene was ordered.
We both squeezed into the shower, which was too small, and ended up back in bed without drying off and fucked again as if for the last time.
We couldn’t get out of bed this Sunday.
It was a cycle: eat, shower, fuck, sleep, eat. Then Sunday ended and we both had to go back to work on Monday.
After that stormy weekend, things slowly started to return to normal.
We still had sex whenever we could and we always invented new kinds of love. But we could also lie naked and cozy in bed and just stroke each other gently until we fell asleep.
After two months, I finished my internship. Unfortunately, my boss couldn’t hire me, even though he wanted to, and gave me another month’s work so that I could look for something new in peace.
Ana and I celebrated the exam in a restaurant with a good meal and a sip of wine. Then we continued the party in bed.
It was another hot night.
Two weeks later, Ana received an offer to open a new branch in another city.
We thought it over and took a look at the new town. We liked it there and moved in very quickly. The company got us a very nice, spacious apartment and covered all the costs.
Thanks to my good references, I found work very quickly.
But the best thing about it was that nobody knew us here. All the neighbors thought we were married because we never told anyone anything about mother and son. They whispered something about the age difference, but always referred to us as Mr… and wife….
Of course, we let everyone believe that. Now we didn’t have to hide like that anymore.
Now, years later, we still live together in the same apartment as husband and wife.
We both still love each other and are just as crazy about each other as we were in the beginning.
We keep our sex life young and fresh because we talk about everything and everyone expresses their thoughts. We experiment a lot and enrich our sex with it, or we reject it again because it’s nothing. In any case, we’re open to everything and that’s how we receive our love.